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March 08, 2006



I Love it. In fact I really really like the shade of pink that you have with the green accent. I want to use these colors on mine. (My husband is starting to learn photoshop and I've encouraged him to pracice on mine! :-) Anyhoo, enough about me...I think the banner looks Great! Good job!


Very "hip"! :-) Love it...I love the green and pink together. Very spring...and boy am I ready for spring!!

Corina Bowen

I love it!! Fresh clean look!! hey wanna come over to my house and do my "spring cleaning" since you are in the mood for change of scenery?? :-)
worth a shot.. hehe


it's gorgeous! and i'm so glad you didn't change that picture of you. love that pic.

a little jealous you did this yourself. Faith has skillz....


Hi just wanted to let you know I like the change and I know you are not finished yet but it looks good.
Oh and by the way I just added you to my links without asking. Sorry!! I hope you don't mind.


Very nice!!! I like the new look!!!

Kim from Hiraeth

Very easy on the eyes! I really like it! Reminds me of some old fashioned pink roses I had once a long time ago.


Im so glad to see you are getting so much work accomplished....AT WORK! I thought your addiction only took affect when you walked into the door of your house.....who knew you literally spend your every waking moment no matter the location on this blog!!!! You should seriously look for some form of "blog rehab" on this thing........


Lookin' Good! Lookin' Good! Love to see how hard you are workin' when I am not there! Just kiddin'!! :)


I love it! Good job.


Well, if I were you... kidding, it looks really good!


I love it! Very calming... I have done it all... cleaned the garage, spring cleaned the house and changed my blog look up! I am fresh and ready to go! Thanks for always stopping by. I added you to my reads! Can't wait to get to know you better. I enjoy your blog alot! Also, I have been meaning to ask you, is your husband a preacher too ???


I like it! And that you could do it all by yourself? Very impressive!I have a hard time updating my blogroll!


I agree with everyone else. This is nice. And you did this with the mid-range TypePad? Very nice. How'd you do the banner?

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