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March 20, 2006



Hey! Look for mine.. I loved doing it last week!


I just got done writing mine up for tomorrow. I'll post in the morning when I get back from the gym - UGH.... :)


I took the picture of my first treasure, but it still is on the digital camera. Hope my Sweetie is going to take it off for me. I don't have a slot on my PC for it. I know, too much info again...


Okay I have poste my first treasure. Here is the link: http://eph2810.com/2006/03/treasure-tuesday-i-my-favorite-read.html

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5 Minutes for Mom

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    Mom Blogs

My crew

  • Six- our twelve year old daughter
  • ALS - mother to Gboy, Ebbers and loulou
  • PB - Son ,Single, EMT, College student
  • CL -Oldest daughter - mother to Aboy., ML. Foster mom to M and C , mom to baby EL and expecting
  • SS -Oldest son - the lawyer,dad of MV
  • Hubby - well just guess
  • JII - Our littleman5yr.


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