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August 01, 2006



I love dominos! I used to have a set. I'm not sure if I still do.

Thanks for sharing!


Oh, that's so nice! The story in itself was touching. Not many teenage boys would go visit their widow grandma's...you have a very special hubby!


A priceless treasure, indeed!! I'm so glad he got those. How special! And the armoire is gorgeous!
I used to love dominoes, but no one would play with me. :) I'm glad your husband has those dominoes and the wonderful memories that go along with them.
Mine's up. :)


The armoire is beautiful and I'm sure she'd love knowing it's in her grandson's home and being used. But the dominoes? Such a touching story and such a wonderful example of how much our grandparents mean to us and what a special role they play in our lives. I know for sure she smiles down on him when he brings those dominoes out. And I hope some small thing I leave behind someday means as much to one of my grandchildren. Thank you for sharing such a meaningful treasure with us.


I think Mimi had the best treasure - a grandson who spent time making her happy because he loved her! Thunderous applause for every white spot in the box!


Aw, how sweet! My kids call my Mom, "MiMi" too! What a nice memory of time spent with MiMi!


what a special treasure for your husband! And how neat that he still has these dominoes!

When I was growing up my nickname was "Mimi" given by my brother because he couldn't pronounce my name very well :)



I have a set of old dominoes that were my grandpas. He passed away in 1973 when I was five and he loved to play dominoes. I never learned to play then, but I loved to stack his dominoes and he would let me do that. My aunt saved them for me. The same aunt used to play dominoes with her daughter and husband every night and she passed away in 2004 unexpectedly and now when I see dominoes I think of her and how nice it was of her to give me her father's dominoes when I am sure she would have liked them as well.

What a great story.


I love dominos, and there is nothing like playing with an old set!


What a lovely treasure! My Hubs kept a set of worn, tired anodized aluminum cups from his grandma's house, they are worth next to nothing, yet worth everything in his memories. Little things mean so much!

Mommy Dearest

I have special memories of playing dominoes with a great-aunt who passed away 3 years ago at the age of 96. Thanks for calling it to mind.


I like that so much! My kids love playing dominos at their great-grandma's house. It's something I hope they'll remember when they get older.


What a sweet memory! I hope he'll use them to play with your own grandchildren so you can pass them down. Thanks for sharing.

mary ann

i love dominoes...these are one of my fave things i use when working with school aged children!


I don't know why, but Mr. Linky postdated me to last week's entry, not this week's. I've fixed it - so if you went and saw my angel from last week, please have a look at what I posted today! :)


My first Treasure Tuesday. I didn't write as much as I should have, but I will get better as I go.


What a wonderful treasure. The memories are always the greatest to have. I used to play dominoes with my parents all the time too :)

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