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October 04, 2006


mrs darling

There are nine of us kids. We are all grown and married and scattered over the US. Because of this my mother got an 800 number so we could all call her. It's a lovely idea.


Great tip! Just out of curiosity, how much does it cost to have an 800 number? Does it get expensive?


As silly as it is, I never knew you could get an 800 number for personal use. I love this idea and will keep it in mind. Thanks for sharing! =)

Laurel Wreath

My parents did this when I was in college it was great!!


My dad used to be a truck driver, and he got an 800 number for the home. This was before the big "cell phone boom," so it saved money for him to call home every night. Then, I used it when I went away to college. The phone company matched the 800 number closely with the regular home number, so it was pretty easy to remember too!


We actually got one for our website. It makes it seem like we have a business, rather than just a mom who stays from home. Great tip though- I wouldn't have thought to share it with our children when they are older.

Thanks for sharing!!


I think that this is a great idea even for people with younger children who might visit out of town relatives or just go to camp each year...what an easy way for them to contact you!

Thanks for posting!


It's a wonderful idea but so is chaining them to the sofa and never letting them leave the house. And my idea saves money too. (Except on food, they tend to eat more when they are sitting there all day.)


We did this when my daughter hit junior high. We didn't want her to have a cell phone yet but we wanted her to be able to phone home from whatever phone she could if she needed us. It's great! And really inexpensive!

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  • Six- our twelve year old daughter
  • ALS - mother to Gboy, Ebbers and loulou
  • PB - Son ,Single, EMT, College student
  • CL -Oldest daughter - mother to Aboy., ML. Foster mom to M and C , mom to baby EL and expecting
  • SS -Oldest son - the lawyer,dad of MV
  • Hubby - well just guess
  • JII - Our littleman5yr.


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