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July 14, 2010



That is so rude!! Oh my goodness! What did your husband say or do? I would have completely come unglued. It's hard enough to have so many people stare, but to actually take your child's picture?? That is over the top.


oh, how rude!!! your reaction was so much calmer then mine would have been...bravo to you! did she ever say why she was taking his picture?


I would have forced her to take a photo of a prominent middle finger.

Michelle Riggs

Unbelievable. We have had more than our share people staring but only friends have taken pictures (and then after asking). You handled it beautifully.


Ahhh.... I can completely understand this. Dealt with it for SIX YEARS.


check out my post on the same subject.

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My crew

  • Six- our twelve year old daughter
  • ALS - mother to Gboy, Ebbers and loulou
  • PB - Son ,Single, EMT, College student
  • CL -Oldest daughter - mother to Aboy., ML. Foster mom to M and C , mom to baby EL and expecting
  • SS -Oldest son - the lawyer,dad of MV
  • Hubby - well just guess
  • JII - Our littleman5yr.


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