People never cease to amaze me. At times it is the beautiful, sweet, miraculous things that people say or do. Unfortunately, there are other times that it is the pure stupidity, ignorance and blatant nerve that other idiots people let hang out like dirty laundry that make me want to SHOUT!
Check this out.
Here we (hubby, JII, Gboy, and Ebbers) are walking into a restaurant ready to really have a little fun. It is a Japanese restaurant which we call "cook in front of you." We had been there recently with our oldest daughter and her crew. But, I DIGRESS!! As soon as we are sitting down I see two women across the way. They are staring and obviously talking about our little family. Since this not an unusual happening, I am prepared to ignore it and move on. The women were not. They continued to stare ( one woman had to turn around completely to see us) and talk.
What intrigued them so? Two white adults with two tow headed little boys and one black boy? JII's hair? He has a little fro. Most black boys in our neck of the woods have their heads shaved very close. Whatever the reason, the lady (I use the term loosely) with her back to us RAISES HER PHONE CAMERA TO TAKE A PICTURE OF MY CHILD/FAMILY!! Oh.yes.she.did.!!
It was like seeing a movie where something is happening in slow motion. I see her -finally - turn her back to us, lift her phone/camera and move it over to focus on us/JII. Of course, she can't really see what she is getting in her shot -yet!!
My inner mama bear came out and I reached -across my oblivious husbands' face , grabbed JII's little hand and started frantically waving it in front of his face!! I smiled big and said very loudly " smile baby that lady is taking your picture."
My goals were
1. Cover his face from her camera
2. call her out on her unbelievable rudeness.
You just do not take a photo of a strangers' child! Never. Ever.
Her reaction? You ask.
Well, when she brought her camera back in front of her to see her handiwork, she was shocked and obviously embarrassed. The two ladies suddenly started pretending they were taking pics of each other. Seriously, get yourself a life.
I had already decided that if she tried to do it again, I would call the police. I mean, you cannot take a picture of a child like that. Not my child or grandchildren!! You do not even want to mess with me.
Maybe it's hormones. Who knows. I have never reacted that way to the many looks we get, stupid questions we get asked or comments made to us. But, a picture??? ABSOLUTELY NOT!
That is so rude!! Oh my goodness! What did your husband say or do? I would have completely come unglued. It's hard enough to have so many people stare, but to actually take your child's picture?? That is over the top.
Posted by: Ali | July 15, 2010 at 12:18 AM
oh, how rude!!! your reaction was so much calmer then mine would have been...bravo to you! did she ever say why she was taking his picture?
Posted by: Kasie | July 15, 2010 at 08:38 AM
I would have forced her to take a photo of a prominent middle finger.
Posted by: Bob | July 15, 2010 at 08:42 AM
Unbelievable. We have had more than our share people staring but only friends have taken pictures (and then after asking). You handled it beautifully.
Posted by: Michelle Riggs | July 15, 2010 at 01:29 PM
Ahhh.... I can completely understand this. Dealt with it for SIX YEARS.
check out my post on the same subject.
Posted by: Sharon | October 08, 2010 at 02:38 PM