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October 27, 2010



I am exhausted too!!! I haven't quite caught up on everything yet. We now have clean clothes and groceries, but the floors and house are still a mess. Oi!

I have been wanting to write about Relevant, but words fail me. It seems that every phrase I come up with pales in comparison to the thoughts, feelings and lessons of this past weekend.


It was so wonderful meeting you and connecting this weekend! I will forever remember our talk at Subway! We will definitely have to get together soon!

Michelle Pendergrass

It was an amazing time. Glad to have met you!


Hi, Faith! I'm so glad to finally be here visiting you. I've thought of you often since Relevant. Your generous heart and hospitality to me before and at the conference was a wonderful comfort! You really were my "home base", and I know it was God that kept crossing our paths. I'm looking forward to visiting with you through our blogs often.


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My crew

  • Six- our twelve year old daughter
  • ALS - mother to Gboy, Ebbers and loulou
  • PB - Son ,Single, EMT, College student
  • CL -Oldest daughter - mother to Aboy., ML. Foster mom to M and C , mom to baby EL and expecting
  • SS -Oldest son - the lawyer,dad of MV
  • Hubby - well just guess
  • JII - Our littleman5yr.


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